Anthropology Centers
The Center for Cognitive Archaeology (CCA)

The Center for Cognitive Archaeology (CCA) provides undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to study the evolutionary development of cognition in humans and other primates. The CCA offers 12 different online courses, which are taught by professors from UCCS and by experts from all over the world. Upon successful completion of any four courses, the University of Colorado will award an official Certificate of Cognitive Archaeology at the undergraduate or graduate level.
CCA supports cutting-edge research and provides courses unavailable at any other institution in the world such as paleoneurology, rock art, embodied cognition, neuroanthropology, and others.
Additional Information
Cognitive archaeology is a truly interdisciplinary field that applies the theories and methods of several academic domains (cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, archaeology, linguistics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of consciousness, etc.) to the tangible evidence for human evolution—non-human primate anatomy and behavior, human neuroanatomy, hominin paleontology, and archaeology.
It studies the origins and adaptive purposes of such cognitive processes and capabilities as concept formation, spatial cognition, social cognition, language, symbolic structures, and working memory.
Seyhan Dwelis Curation Facility

The Seyhan Dwelis Curation Facility curates and manages collections obtained during archaeological investigations by the UCCS Department of Anthropology and other artifacts related to UCCS history. We also curate collections obtained from various projects by other agencies by state and federal regulations that relate to the research interests of the Department of Anthropology faculty.
The Facility meets 36 CFR 79 federal requirements and is a state-approved repository located on the campus of UCCS housed in the Department of Anthropology within Centennial Hall.
Additional Resources
The facility was established in 1998 in Dwire Hall to act as a repository for the archaeological research and collecting of the faculty of the Department of Anthropology at UCCS. The Department and curation facility were temporarily moved to Ulrich House in 2006 as the University remodeled Dwire Hall and Centennial Hall.
The remodel of Centennial Hall included the creation of a professional quality curation facility with climate control and a dry fire suppression system. The move to the new facility housed in Centennial Hall took place in 2010.
The Seyhan Dwelis Curation Facility is an approved repository that can accept state and federal collections. There is a two-step process for creating curation agreements with the Seyhan Dewlis Curation Facility.
The first step involves drafting a letter of intent to curate between the firm or agency and the campus. The letter of intent is valid for two years. It also requires a $100 administrative fee that is deducted from the first box fee if/when collections are deposited. The second step is only required if the firm/agency deposits materials with the Curation Facility.
If the project deposits materials, the campus must create a Memorandum of Agreement. This document locks in the ability to deposit materials without further agreements, the terms of curation, and the fees for 5 years. For information related to our repository requirements, draft letter of intent, and current fees see the appropriate link below:
The collections are available for research to faculty, students, and qualified professionals, or other individuals engaged in research as well as to tribal representatives.
Please allow at least a 3-week notice for access requests.
To find out more about the collections housed in the curation facility, or access to those collections please contact the Curator of Anthropology, Dr. Karin Larkin at klarkin@uccs.edu
Please note that summer hours are limited due to field projects and other staff limitations.