Linda Watts, Ph.D.

Linda Watts, Ph.D.

Associate Professor (Retired) Anthropology


Dr. Linda K. Watts was an Associate Professor of Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (now retired). She has published two books: The 'Life Map' as an Implicit Cognitive Structure Underlying Behavior-A New Tool for Psychological Understanding (Edwin Mellen Press, 2011); and The Social Semiotics of Relational Terminology at Zuni Pueblo (Edwin Mellen Press Series in Anthropology, No. 6, 2001). She has also published several top tier, peer-reviewed journal articles, invited book reviews, and professional research reports, and she has presented a large number of national and international conference papers and public lectures and workshops (see Dr. Watts's Curriculum Vitae).  Dr. Watts' professional publications mainly contribute to a linguistic/psychological/cultural anthropology based, "cultural schemas" approach. 


  • ANTH 1040 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH 2800 The Nature  of Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
  • ANTH 3040 Women Around the World

Curriculum Vitae